What's enough?

I haven't been feeling very creative. It's been a tough couple of weeks.

But I was trying to write something positive and encouraging. Then my daughter called, I told her I was struggling. She told me to write that, so I am! (Thank you Lexie)

Sometimes our best doesn't look very good. This is one of those times. But I'm here, showing up, writing.

I'm not going to tell myself it's not good enough.

I'm going to tell myself at least I showed up and did my best today. Tomorrow, next week, my best will look better. This is how life works. And it's ok.

What about you?

Are you showing up?

Doing your best?

And letting your best be enough, even when it's not very good? That's self-care. Accepting some days are hard, some days we don't do great, but we keep trying, and we keep showing up.

And it's enough.

Until next time,



Where do we go from here?


Fix this not that