It's only a habit.

It's just the way I am she told me.

I procrastinate.

I wait too long.

And then I'm rushed and do less than my best work.

It's just the way I am.

But she was wrong.

What behaviors do you think are just the way you are?

Starting strong but giving up when it gets too hard?

Not finishing things?

Not scheduling time for your own health and well-being because you're too busy taking care of other's?

Avoiding conflict?

These are learned behaviors, that when repeated enough, become habits. Things we do naturally, automatically.

Not a fixed trait or characteristic.

We weren't born with those qualities or behaviors.

We learned them, many of them, unintentionally.

Anything we learned can be changed. We can learn new things.

Is it hard to change a habit? Initially yes. But once we have repeated the new behavior enough times, it gets easier. And then it becomes automatic. A new habit is created.

We can grow. We can change. Stop telling yourself it's just the way you are. It isn't. It's just a habit.

Until next time,



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Where do we go from here?